VI. Volcanoes, energy and resources  

VI.3 Application of geological mapping and field surveys on different exploitation context (geothermal and ore deposits)

The session is under the aegis of the IAVCEI Commission on Volcano Geology.

Claudia Principe, Istiruto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR, Pisa, Italy; c.principe@igg.cnr.it
Nino Popkhadze, Al. Janelidze Institute of Geology, Tbilisi, Georgia; nino_popkhadze@yahoo.com
Domenico Doronzo, Centro de Geosciencias, UNAM, Mexico; doronzo@geociencias.unam.mx

The present session will highlight the importance of field geology prior to any computer modelling. In particular, volcanological and field-based surveys are of upmost importance for geothermal and ore exploration, and exploitation activities, which are welcome in this session. Contributions on chrono-stratigraphy, mapping and physico-chemical characterization of volcanic deposits in geothermal and mining areas are also welcome to improving the modelling. It is stressed that the contribution of volcano geology to finding, predicting and quantifying geothermal and ore resources is crucial both in the early exploratory stages, and in planning and implementing exploitation strategies. Therefore, contributions illustrating such integrated themes in historical case-studies, and as part of projects currently running are particularly welcome.