Welcome to IAVCEI 2017
The IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly will be held in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A, from the 14th to 18th of August, 2017.
On behalf of IAVCEI, the Organizing Committee invites the international scientific community to participate in the IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly. The main theme of the conference will be “Fostering Integrative Studies of Volcanism”. Following tradition, the conference will cover the complete range of IAVCEI research interests, ranging from planetary volcanology and chemistry of the Earth's interior to eruption dynamics, and will also include a practical understanding of the environmental and social impacts of eruptions. In addition, in keeping with the theme, the meeting will explore and nurture thinking that integrates the breadth of sub-disciplines. We anticipate programming in which our younger colleagues and those from developing countries will thrive.
Mid-conference field trips will be offered to nearby volcanoes (Mt St Helens, Mt Hood, Columbia River Flood Basalts). Pre- and post-conference field trips will visit the world-class volcanoes and volcanic environments of western North America from the Pacific Northwest to California to New Mexico and Colorado.
The scientific program will include symposia covering a broad variety of volcanological fields with plenary speakers emphasizing integrative and intersecting themes. |

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