II. Using geophysics and geochemistry to probe magmatism and eruption processes  

II.4 Experimental volcanology: from magma generation to the transport and emplacement of pyroclastic materials

Dr. Fabio Dioguardi, The Lyell Centre, British Geological Survey; fabiod@bgs.ac.uk
Katherine J Dobson, Durham University; katherine.dobson@durham.ac.uk
Dr. Tobias C. Dürig, University of Iceland; tobi@hi.is
Daniele Morgavi, Perugia; daniele.morgavi@unipg.it
Prof. Roberto Sulpizio, University of Bari; roberto.sulpizio@uniba.it 
Ulrich Kuepper, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; u.kueppers@lmu.de
Benjamin Andrews, Smithsonian Institution; andrewsb@si.edu

Volcanic eruptions are complex natural phenomena encompassing a wide range of physical processes. Working on complex processes as diverse as melt formation, magma transport, fragmentation, flows, gas-pyroclast transport and deposition means the volcanological community makes use of a toolbox of different techniques to understand the phenomena and provide models that can quantify their impact. Experimental studies are a key element in the volcanological tool box at all scales.

Experiments are usually designed for investigating specific processes. Through this session we aim to bring together the experimental volcanology community, and invite contributions investigating all aspects of magmatic and eruptive behavior. From laboratory to large-scale, from 3D & 4D X-ray imaging to flume tanks and beyond. Contributions concerning the issue of scaling experiments to reality, and experimental validation of theoretical and numerical models are also welcome. We hope to showcase the very latest and best of what we can do in the experimental lab, and aim to help the community identify open questions, strategies and future collaborations to help advance the field.